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Student/Class Testimonials

Re. Illusions - 'Catalysing A Transcendent Reality' Video Series 

Dear Lynsey,


THANKS A GODZILLION for the process last night!!!!!

I felt all the tensions between me and my predecessors and connections melt away and I was basking in their wholehearted love and appreciation for ages!

It was so good I did not want to go to sleep! It was like a 'Celebrate freedom for me and my connections through all time and space ' PARTY!!!

My awareness is that they are all as grateful for the process as I am!

Now I feel I have a HUGE TEAM behind me for anything I chose to do, without any limitations!!

I have been invited several times to go to Ancestor Clearing Workshops, but now I am so glad I did not go, because this clearing trumps them all!

To me the work you are doing is at least equal to that by Dain and Gary!


You are going to have to do this course for more people!  We all SO need it, especially in America!

Love and infinite gratitude

Gill  - July 2016

Facilitation.... priceless
"I've been to seven Access Body Process classes facilitated by Lynsey, with a kind of scientific curiosity. I will definitely go to more. Each process has an amazing unique energy and Lynsey's personal facilitation during each class is, for me, priceless"
- Bernadette Crowley, April 2015

"Lynsey is an excellent Facilitator of Access Consciousness/Access Bars. Knowledgeable and very capable. Facilitated a warm welcoming and very rewarding teaching day of Access Bars Therapy.  Her skills and capability covering many remits were obvious."
- Brian Crossland (Access Bars Facilitator) - May 2015

Intuitive Anatomy

“The Intuitive Anatomy course was an amazing process. I came with the idea that I would learn about the type of belief system held in the different body systems and would probably clear a good bit of my own stuff in the process. However, I had no idea just how deep the healing would be. 

I actually cleared stuff in myself which I thought I'd be stuck with for ever and I found myself a new person as a result. As for me as a practitioner, my whole ThetaHealing approach changed from doing the course. I can now achieve results with my clients in a couple of sessions which were taking 6-8 sessions before I did the training. I am also infinitely better at finding my own programs now. I knew that this was going to be useful training, but it far exceeded my expectations. This is essential for anyone who wants to do ThetaHealing seriously.

Lynsey is a lovely and gifted teacher - very understanding and patient. I immediately felt relaxed with her which is so important for an intensive experience such as this. She is clearly an extremely skilled ThetaHealer herself, and I learned a great deal from observing her working.”

Dr Anne Whitehouse 
UK 2010

Gift for teaching...

"I have had an amazing transformation on this Intuitive Anatomy course.  Learning about each bodily system has really deepened my understanding of physical and mental dis-ease and the challenges faced by our clients.  Lynsey is a truly inspirational healer with a gift for teaching.  

Whilst on this course I experienced some of the most phenomenal ‘shifts’ and I credit this to Lynsey’s wonderful ability to instruct and get the best out of her students. I have to admit that the course content was at times challenging, but only due to the level of introspection required. 

When internally ‘triggered’ by the course content, Lynsey guided us through the session with grace and ease and the healing I subsequently experienced was life-changing; a phrase I don’t use lightly!   I would recommend this course to anyone that is interested in receiving a boost to their healing journey.  

The course has helped me to clear deep routed issues and in doing so I have become a better practitioner. I learned so much from Lynsey through her instruction, but even more from the way she conducts herself as a practitioner; thank you Lynsey!"

Anna Louise Taylor 
Scotland 2010

Space camp is waiting for you!

"(Basic & Advanced DNA) A wonderful adventure of learning and healing yourself and others. I recommend these classes to anyone on their spiritual path.  It feels right, in tune with the world and the perfect toolbox healers need right now. Space camp is waiting for you!!

And Lynsey is an amazing teacher to discover yourself and this new way of using our brain. She is full of love, a thousand times thank you and the Creator, Angels and Masters."

UK 2012

Concise & precise...

"I have enjoyed re-accrediting my Basic & Advanced DNA classes with Lynsey. The experience has been gentle yet thorough. Lynsey is able to teach in a concise, precise way that ensures her students leave feeling that they have understood the subject matter with grace and ease and without drama! 

I highly recommend Lynsey as a Theta teacher and practitioner and I will continue to take classes with her. With much gratitude."

UK 2012

Manifesting & Abundance

"Great follow up to Basic and Advanced courses. Deeper understanding of belief work and it’s importance in healing and achieving the life I want. Opportunities to work on, realise and clear many blocks within myself and be more ready to take theta into my daily life and helping others."

UK 2011


"Very interesting and deep!

...helps a very deep vision on how to work on ourselves and our beliefs systems to clear up blocks and make things happen."

Sardinia 2011


"Great experience, perfect to internalise. Clearing blockages to abundance and learning how to do it yourself."
UK 2011


Advanced DNA

"An enlightening & deeply empowering journey of (self) healing & (self) realisation. This class is a great life-changing experience which has the potential to change myself and all those who come into contact with me and the world around me. I feel it is just the beginning of an amazing adventure."

Magda Szarota
UK 2011

"Very interesting & inspiring, very much tailor-made for my needs at this stage. A perfect path through awakening and self-confidence."

UK 2011

"Very illuminating and a must after the Basic. It will give you a more complete understanding on Theta Healing. Loving it."

Nicola Ongaro
UK 2011

Basic DNA


"I have found this workshop so incredible that I am still feeling rather overwhelmed from it all 3 days later!!! It feels like my soul has been waiting for the rest of me to catch up and now I’ve finally begun - it’s been such an amazing deep journey - wow!!! Thank you."

Christina Maunder
London 2011

"Very Good. Well presented by Lynsey... I would recommend anybody to take this course."

Stephen Huggins
London 2011

"A very exciting and rewarding class (Basic DNA). I loved the opportunity to receive so much healing!"

UK 2010

"I can hardly find the right words to describe my feelings about Lynsey and her teaching me Theta healing. Lynsey has got such a wide range of knowledge and in every class I was amazed how she covered every detail down to its source. I started to see and feel myself in a much clearer way and felt very well guided.

Lynsey has a most loving, patient and gentle way of teaching and listening. While being in her class, I always felt very secure and again in every minute at the right place. She has for me a very loving and gentle way to listen and therefore to find beliefs in me as her student, that were hidden so deep that I was always very surprised of them being in me. She also was most supportive whilst beliefs where pulled and replaced. 

After every class I felt well cleaned from many disturbing beliefs and also well filled with loving and supporting beliefs. I was be able to let down my boundaries and Lynsey guided me gentle and secure to what wanted to be canceled and released. She always found the right words to say and I just love her way of teaching so much. I am very grateful that she even made it possible for me to attend her class with my little 10 week young baby girl. 

I feel now most confident to create my life in a never before known clear and down to the source way. I am more than grateful to have given myself permission to have had Lynsey as such a caring and loving teacher. I do not only recommend to start with Thetahealing in your life, I also recommend to give yourself permission to have Lynsey as your teacher for this wonderful healing. I wish Lynsey only the very best and bless her every day. All the best to you Lynsey and many blessings for your journey."

Gabriele with Nahbila
London 2010

"One of the most significant things that I got from my Basic ThetaHealing class was how it improved my life dramatically, building confidence and making me feel more in control.  My confidence has increased and I have relieved a lot of baggage I had been carrying around. Lynsey's teaching was very supportive and her relaxed manner, which made her extremely approachable throughout the programme, helped immensely. I would recommend ThetaHealing for everyone, it has changed my life."

Gillian 2010

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