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Could this pandemic of manipulation be exactly what we have been waiting for?

Last November, when I realised the 5 year long chronic illness I'd been navigating my way through was cancer, I tweaked the health regimen I’ve been cultivating and incorporated a key element that I was aware would be the crucial piece I required for the final stage of my body and I to complete the healing process and physically recover. I have not been disappointed, it is doing a fantastic job.

This simple solution has been used to disinfect our municipal water supplies for over a century. We wouldn't have safe water to drink from our taps without it. Therefore those who govern our modern day infrastructure, globally, know full well it's capabilities.

It neutralises;

- pathogenic bacteria

- pathogenic viruses

- parasites

- fungus

- even biofilm (which is notoriously difficult to breakdown)

What is this miracle solution?

Chlorine Dioxide.

As pictured, one bottle contains sodium clorite, the second bottle is citric acid (or you can use hydrochloric acid). Combine them, drop for drop and you get the activated solution; Chlorine Dioxide. Place a few drops in water and drink. For the next hour - 90 mins the solution is active in your body.

Pathogens in the body carry a particular electrical charge which weakens our body.

Chlorine dioxide carries an opposing charge and when circulating around the body, like a magnet, attracts all those pathogens. It then chemically breaks them apart, destroying them and any ability they have to thrive.

It is essential to add here that friendly bacteria, which make up the sophisticated life-giving, immune building support systems within our bodies (known as our microbiome) are not interfered with at all. They continue to go about their important round the clock business of keeping you healthy. Unlike antibiotics, which are massively over prescribed and act like an atomic bomb to your immune system, obliterating ALL bacteria. Anti-biotic equals anti-life.

The mainstream media do not want you to know what really supports our bodies to achieve lasting health and wellbeing, evidenced by an article I saw on the BBC website this past week headlined

'The fake health advice you should ignore'. It was the initial prompt for me to write this.

Chlorine Dioxide aka MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution as coined by one of it's initial groundbreaking advocates, Jim Humble) is included in their list of misinformation along with garlic and colloidal silver, well established anti-microbials. Humble spent time in Africa treating people including babies who would have otherwise died from diseases such as the life threatening parasitic infection, Malaria. Here is a link for testimonials of a wide range of health conditions it has successfully treated.

I found this set available on eBay for approx £25 inc delivery. If you have an advanced chronic condition they may last 4 months otherwise they are a fantastic remedy you can have in your medicine cabinet that will last you for years.

To return to the so called pandemic virus... I don’t see why coronavirus or any other kind of virus could be entirely immune to the process I just described when treated with chlorine dioxide. I also am sure there are very many other effective treatments out there.

In which case, who or what is the real virus here?

The role of a virus is to hijack cells and take them over, replicating themselves to gain control of the host in order to survive.

This is precisely what we have occurring. The shadow global cult operating behind the scenes within every power structure in the world today is blatantly hijacking the human population in order to survive. Staggeringly disproportionate measures that shut down the entire structure of our global economy, in the guise of ‘saving thousands of lives’ when it is, I believe, a curable virus is clearly a ruse.

So we have the question of why then?

If you watch this video you will hear David Icke, a man who has dedicated his life with unwavering zeal, to uncovering and exposing what is going on within the underbelly of this reality, articulately outline the agenda this so called 'pandemic' is actually serving.

Question everything you read online, including this. Experiment with a different search engine such as duckduckgo. Google is heavily controlled and censors a plethora of informative websites if they do not subscribe to the propaganda machine. The level of manipulation I am talking about has been in the pipeline for so long and is so sophisticated that it is very easy for there to not even need to be any virus doing the rounds for the desired effect on global society to be achieved. Fear and the media to fuel it, is enough.

This is not all in vain however. Have you heard the good news?!

The larger picture in all this, is our growth and expansion which the global cult are catalysing for us. This collective scenario is creating an unprecedented drive for us all to look at how we have been regarding and relying on these structures that we and our ancestors grew up in, were schooled within, worked within, worshipped within, entertained within, medically treated within, became avid consumers within, invested our financial income and pensions within, paid our taxes within....

How much have we individually and collectively allowed these structures to provide and replace our own innate authority, security, safety and happiness? What would our global society be like if it were occupied with humans who, at the very least, glimpsed into the possibilities their multi-dimensional selves have to offer? What if the many, deliberately chose to align with their inner being and create from that space?

In 2016 I delivered an online class Rewiring The Collective Consciousness. It was looking at the emerging totalitarian state and what we have to gain from addressing what it brings up for us. I had not imagined that the majority of the world population would soon and so suddenly be in the midst of being subject to the extreme measures we are witnessing today. The regular course of people's lives have come to an abrupt halt and we are finding ourselves in a rare state of being given all the time in the world to reflect and just be. To be with our thoughts and feelings without the usual routinous distractions. Some may find this to be a luxury, for others, it could feel like a nightmare. What are those thoughts and feelings we have been pushing away that are now demanding to be heard and acknowledged? What are we afraid of? What is unfolding is a truer knowing of who we really are underneath all the hustle and bustle and superficiality of the reality that preceded this. We didn't create this as a collective for nothing.

When the Mayan calendar came to an end in 2011 it was explained by researcher Ian Lungold that from then on there would be more events and seemingly less time, an exponential acceleration. According to this calendar there began the birth of our solar system, 16.4 billion years ago within a cyle of progression that lasted just under 1.5 billion years. There followed 8 more cycles in which the duration became faster than the previous by a multiple of 20. An acceleration has occurred over a mind boggling expanse of time which peaked and for 9 years now, we have been living in the energy of conscious co-creation. Within a space of time where manifestations of thoughts and feelings become experiences and situations without delay. Thought can become form in an instant. Learning to master our mind and emotions has never been more important.

Our time has come to address and resolve our mindset with regards to so much... including the immediate triggers of being controlled, manipulated and victim in exchange for a modicum of anything in the guise of safety and security. We have access to a veritable feast yet have been satisfied or suffering with the equivalent of breadcrumbs.

This is the time for us to make the choice to live through the eyes of truth, shed the illusions and rise in our consciousness. Dramatic leaps can and will be made when we are all in this together. It is written.

There is no fear when we have awareness.

Lynsey Beswick - 24th March 2020

2 comentários

Simple Mind
Simple Mind
14 de mai.

It is said that that things happen as they should and in the correct time. I personally have experienced major transitions of thought and awareness since you first introduced me to MMS. And I guess now, I am ready to meet your philosophy. It seems we are much in agreement, and maybe I have finally caught up with some of your thinking. This is well thought and subtly stated. I am intrigued as to where your thoughts are taking you now.

Lynsey Beswick
Lynsey Beswick
15 de mai.
Respondendo a

Dear Simple Mind,

It is a joy to read your comment.

Thank you for sharing your potent results from using MMS.

So much has been evolving within these past few months, let alone the previous 4 years since I wrote this piece. You are inspiring me to write a follow up. I shall allow it to percolate within and burst forth in perfect timing 💚

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