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You Can't Have The World You Desire If You Resist The One You Are In

Fear is an artificial transmission that is beamed to us through media and many other platforms.

It comes in the form of words and images that are blatantly seen, heard and read and also as a frequency that is not perceptible to our auditory sense.

So it isn't even real, just pure imagination.

Yet, fear breeds anger. The anger stems from a fear of something happening to us or those we love, essentially ourselves as we all are connected.

When we dismantle the anger the fear has nothing to attach to, it loses it’s story and leaves. Fear relies on beliefs to exist.

The fears being propagated in the world right now are stories designed to threaten our free will, choice and physical existence.

They also serve as a mighty distraction from who we actually are and what is possible for us and the infrastructure on our planet.

What do you really want?

Take a few moments now to write a list (or image it in your mind) of how you would like YOUR world to be like. Go global with it.

Have no ceiling to limit you and think BIG.

Include other people in your vision, other countries, trade and commerce, the arts and science, the animal kingdom, the plants, trees and entire ecosystem, perceive a reality which you have always desired and knew was possible but that you don’t yet see in your world.

Remember the ideas and awarenesses you had as a child growing up before the limitations of thinking were drip fed into your reality.

Now look at what you’ve written, expand your energy field a trillion miles above, below and all around… double that expansion… and double it again... and ask; is all this even possible?

There is your answer.

(It is always going to be a yes)

How does that make your body feel? Is this tantalising you? And how could it not?!

Now Available for Download

A dismantling of the old programming. Banishing the resistance and harvesting directly from it, the seeds of a new reality that you will feel in every cell of your body.

That, creates the point of attraction that will, always eventually, bring it into an actualised reality.

Lynsey Beswick - 14th Oct 2016

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