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Death Blog Series Pt.3

Judgement Day

How much have our experiences of death and our judgements of death been based upon what we’ve learned from the church?

There’s a LOT of charge on this. Do you know that the most illustrations and artwork from religion are depictions of Hell?(!) It’s not so much the sweet cherubim and Mary and Joseph that has been engrained.

Why? Could it be they wanted to give you graphic illustrations of what would happen to you if you didn’t follow their teachings?

So how much of the death experience have you bought into that is the big lie that the churches have told you about what will happen to you when death occurs?

And how many times have you been told that you are a sinner? How many lifetimes? Eons of lifetimes we have been told we are born a sinner and we die a sinner.

So when we buy into these depictions they are just that, a story designed to control you. If we are to believe in these religious constructs the death process becomes a hellish experience… and the pictures… if you were to google depictions of religious hell you may be shocked, it’s really amazing... fantastic ways of dying a grisly death. What if we could look at the depictions of hell and see them as more of a reflection of the religious constructs rather than truth?

Whose grief?

We are such aware beings. When there is a death, it may be someone in your community or it could be that you tap into the energy of world wide grief for somebody who is very famous and we can find ourselves connecting strongly with that. Very easily. I know when I have listened to David Bowie songs and I then tap into the grief about him, it’s very easy just to go into that and tears can come. So when that happens just knowing to ask is that even mine? Or am I tapping into a pool of grief? Then just ask the pool of grief to leave. Who am I without tapping into this grief?

There’s actually a wonderful tool from Donna Eden for when you feel congested in your head and it’s called the Crown Pull. You basically get your finger tips and put them in the middle of your forehead and then just firmly press in and drag your fingers apart all the way back to your temples and let go and move up your forehead a little more towards the scalp and repeat, pulling your fingers firmly away to the sides of your temples. Repeat this over your head and what you are doing is opening up the blood flow, the lymph system and giving space in your head and space in your mind. It will feel like a massage as you work your way all the way around the back of your head and into the nape of your neck. From there drag your fingers into your shoulder, pause and whenever you're ready bring your hands down and over your heart. Phew!

Distortion of the magical truth

How much have we been manipulated to believe that death is something to be feared? Fear of death is one of the areas that are guaranteed to get people to lower their vibration rather than be expanded and spacious. When we are expanded and spacious we don’t buy into the reality that is imposed upon us, we create our own reality.

What if death was as beautiful, wonderful and magical as birth?

Let’s expand out, a thousand miles above, a thousand miles below and a thousand miles all around... now expand out a million miles above, a million miles below and a million miles all around... now a billion miles above, below and all around... now double that expansion and double it again and double it one more time. Now ask your awareness, truth, is the death experience as magical and wonderful as the birth experience? Doesn’t that feel light? Therefore true?

The cycle of death is in the seasons, it’s just part of a cycle. So what awarenesses could we now receive about the cyclical nature of our lives and deaths?

What space can we be that would allow us and our bodies to receive a true awareness of life and death for us in these wonderful bodies we have with simple ease?

How much more connected to our life and living and bodies can we be without this fear of death?

Sit back and receive the awareness now that those questions inspire.

I’d like you to connect to your physical body right now, put a hand on your chest and just find a place where you can feel your heart beating the most and while your hand is on there double the expansion of your being and double the expansion of the energy of your body and double it again… and double it again…. and double it again… What space can we be that will allow us to receive a true appreciation of our lives in these amazing bodies we are in with simple ease? And receive that… receive that energy… receive that space and receive that consciousness.

What could you know about your body now that you didn’t know about before that would allow you to have an even greater connection to it?

Does your body have a fear of death?

Ask that question to your body right now. Body are you afraid of death?

Did your body respond with a lightness? Or a heavy, sinking feeling? (Light means yes, heavy is a lie/no).

Let’s now ask the reverse of that, truth, does your body not have a fear of death? Was that lighter?

Our bodies don’t have a fear about it, it’s just our minds that believe it. Isn’t that good to know?!

- An edited excerpt from the transcript of the May 2016 Invincible Magic Telecall by Lynsey Beswick

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