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4 Examples of Widespread Manipulation of the Masses

The Invisible Box

Are you willing to reconnect to the vastness of your being? Or are you satisfied with the box of perception you grew into?

We are NOT for the box... and to know the outside of it we are required to see what is actually within it.


Are people racist or is the system racist?

Does racism begin with people? Is racism birthed from people?

Or have we been conditioned to judge race and ethnicity by a system that divides and rules?

Race and ethnicity by definition are categories loaded with judgement.


Does debt arise from people who are ‘unfortunate’? Or do we live within a system which is rigged to create widespread debt and fear of not surviving?


Does the responsibility of drug and alcohol addiction lie solely with the individual?

Or is there an agenda to generate and create widespread chemical dependency? And to what end?

Legal Murder

Is patriotism real? Or is it a construct designed for populations to validate war? How does killing another human being affect the drafted soldier physically, emotionally and psychologically?

These are just a few aspects that are addressed in:

This online series will be identifying and transmuting the widespread presence of anti-consciousness (otherwise known as pain and suffering) and the myriad of ways we become susceptible to buying it and making it real in our lives and collectively as a species.

To metamorphose it rather than resist it generates the transcendence of a reality that can seem so inescapable. This is the action I’m choosing, taking and inviting you to. To contribute to the evolvement of a new world I know so many of us were born here to create.

Join me in the expansive task of shaking things up, eradicating the lies and filtering consciousness through every aspect of our precious lives on this beloved planet.

I know you want to.

Recorded in June 2016

Now Available to Download

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