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Death Blog Series Pt.2

Is death something vastly different to what we’ve been buying it as?

Animals, when they die, tend to be far more present when they pass. Cecil the Lion was in the news last year for being hunted and killed in a trophy killing. How much was his choice to die in that way in order to create awareness in the world of the treatment of animals? What if he knew that dying in that way would create enormous publicity?

Expansion for clarity...

To enhance your awareness and get a sense of what is true around this, expand out 100 miles above, 100 miles below and 100 miles all around... and now expand out a thousand miles above, below and all around... expand out a million miles above, below and all around... now expand out a billion miles above, below and all around... now double that expansion and double it again and double it again and double it one more time.

Now from this space, ask, how much was Cecil the Lion willing to die that way? Get a sense. Now ask, how much was Cecil the Lion unwilling to die in that way? Can you feel the contrast there? He was clearly willing to. You can ask the same regarding the more recent story of Harambe the gorilla. Was he raising awareness of the quality of life and treatment of animals in zoos?

If we were to look at everyone’s death as their choice, and remembering as well that each lifetime we have is really a blip in a very very very long spectrum of lifetimes, thousands of lifetimes. Maybe we’ve had millions of lifetimes in various incarnations? So really it’s just like the equivalent maybe of a trip to the shops? That could be one lifetime relatively?

Violent death...

Even if in the event of murder, on some level of their being they are choosing that experience themselves, both parties. And that choice could be for one of many reasons. It may be based on an energy they are carrying that they are not consciously aware of but they are subconsciously creating a reality based on whatever it might be. It could be that the person that killed them was a person that they themselves killed in another lifetime? Or it could be that they have a 'backdoor' and there’s something they are dying to get out of in their life and they choose to depart abruptly? People can also be willing to die for a cause or to create a different possibility in the world they left behind. We don’t even need to know the whys and wherefores necessarily. It can often be in hindsight we reach an awareness.

Recognising it was the individuals choice and that they were not a victim can go a long way in getting closer to the truth and not stay enmeshed in insufferable pain, confusion and hate.

Expand out again, a billion miles above, below and all around, double that expansion and double it again…. so you can be in your space, at a vantage point where you can perceive death for what it actually is… a doorway into Oneness.

The moment where we release all resistance and become one with everything. If that was really known, people wouldn’t wish death on their enemies because it’s actually one of the most beautiful experiences we can have. So for a few seconds now close your eyes and perceive whatever awareness that Source Energy can gift you right now around what the death experience truly is and the possibility that it could be a doorway into oneness as opposed to some thing that is painful.

You could ask, is there peace in every death? Do I choose my own time to die?

Well why wouldn't you?

Is your body afraid of death?

In those moments of trauma especially profound trauma and shock, the body has a way of shutting down and the being exits the body, temporarily or maybe for some time to come. That is the body’s coping mechanism and the being’s mechanism for sustaining life and coping with the trauma. So when somebody is approaching death, however painful it might appear to us, is it not possible that their being leaves their body before the moment of death? Now ask your own awareness, truth, do those who experience a violent death leave their bodies before the moment of death? Get the awareness. Does that create a light response in your body? Or does your body feel contracted? Light is your awareness saying yes and a contraction is a no.

Or, are the beings in the body at the moment of death? Yes or no? Feels heavy doesn’t it? So the suffering is not as it seems when you look upon it like this because the moment the being leaves the body they are starting their trajectory of full immersion into Oneness.

So are our bodies afraid of death? Ask your body now, pat your body in several places and ask, are you afraid of dying?

If your body responded with a heaviness or contraction anywhere, that was a no. Isn't that reassuring to know?

Creation of pain...

The moment of death is often brief. What makes it long and drawn out is when people recall that memory of their loved one dying (through their own filter of judgement) and relive it over and over again and so there is a repetitive recreation of that person’s death when their body only ever died once.

People create this kind of energetic repetition when they worry. For example a mother who is waiting for her daughter who is late coming home and she starts to worry and envision all the worst things that could happen to her. So she might imagine she is being raped. So energetically, she’s sending a thought form out in the Universe that her daughter is being raped. That can become a self fulfilling prophesy if the thought is practised enough. The thought can become a reality. These are like loops of trauma, which in a way becomes a form of Traumatic Stress Disorder. When someone has (Post) TSD they are looping an experience that has already happened but in the case of worry it becomes Pre Traumatic Stress Disorder. A total creation of the mind of something that has not yet occurred.

What awarenesses did you get on this topic when you expanded into the infinite space that is truly you?

Does becoming more space give you a different point of view?

- An edited excerpt from the transcript of the May 2016 Invincible Magic Telecall by Lynsey Anne Beswick

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