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Death Blog Series - Part One

What is your perception of death?

2016 has had a strong theme, so far, of this most natural of phenomena. What greater awareness can we have around death? As you read this, let’s expand out energetically... no thinking is required at all... as you read the words you will begin to feel more light and spacious. So expand out 100 miles above, 100 miles below and 100 miles all around... and now expand out a thousand miles above, below and all around... expand out a million miles above, below and all around... now expand out a billion miles above, below and all around... now double that expansion and double it again and double it again and double it one more time.

Are you feeling much lighter right now? From this space I’d like you to bring your attention to death, to crossing over... to meeting one's maker... to biting the dust... to snuffing it... to croaking.

When we look at this subject from a sense of space it’s much easier for us to get out of any stories we may have made about it.

Now from this expanded space I’d like you to just be open to receive an awareness of whatever that brought up for you. What has the energy of death been endeavouring to show you that you have yet to perceive? What was the experience gifting you that you didn’t want to acknowledge at the time? Now sit back and for a few moments, receive it.

If you happen to find yourself feeling emotional and upset, tell yourself to ‘double this expansion’ and repeat those words until you feel ease again in your body and mind.

When we occupy and be more space, thoughts and feelings that would usually stick and contract us, don't. They just pass through transiently.

Helpful responses to death...

It’s interesting that when someone dies and you see commentary from people on social media expressing reactions like; ‘this is terrible… such a sad day… it shouldn’t have happened… they went too soon’.

Nelson Mandela was a man who by this reality’s standards was quite elderly when his death was followed a very long drawn out illness. People were saying things along the lines of; he shouldn’t have died, this is terrible. But really, come on, the man lived his life and made a massive contribution to the world why not just have allowance for him leaving his physical body to make his way to another experience without projecting that he ‘shouldn’t’?! There’s a real attachment to people staying on the earth plane.

People have described death as ‘robbing us of…’ and they then go onto describe the talents and gifts of the person. It becomes a misguided way of expressing love for a person. Why not be inspired by them instead of considering their choice to depart or death itself, to be wrong? Or should they be sticking around for our own benefit? How inconsiderate of them to leave us?! Bad death!

How much do all these thoughts and feelings complicate and prolong the grief process?

There’s a phrase that people say ‘only the good die young’, what does that mean?? So if we have bought this ubiquitous idea that ‘only the good die young’ and you grow beyond your ‘young’ years, are you then ‘bad’?! How funny. How much resistance is there around death? And how much blame, shame, regret and guilt do we have around popping our clogs?

What's in your DNA??

Let’s look at your own life and previous lifetimes, how much resistance do you hold in your DNA that actually is an accumulation of all your ancestors emotional baggage based upon yours and theirs previous death experiences? That can be a lot to carry!

How many scenarios are there where you were the one dying and there were other people there who either wanted you to stay or made you feel responsible in some way? I wonder how many of those kinds of projections and expectations remained with you? How much baggage do you have of blame, shame, regret, guilt, despair associated with your own passing in any lifetime, space, dimension or reality?

From this expanded space, get a sense of all that energy that has been brought up (which may feel heavy and contracted) and ask it to leave, that it be sent into a black hole to be crushed, dissolved and dissipated into nothing. Double your expansion... double your expansion and breathe deeply.

- An edited excerpt from the transcript of the May 2016 Invincible Magic Telecall by Lynsey Anne Beswick

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