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What my body surprised me with...

In July I was on the top deck of a London bus heading into Holburn to meet a friend when I paused and thought to myself, 'Gosh I love London, the architecture of these amazing old buildings, the rich history...'.

Then, ever so casually I asked my body, 'hey body, do you like living in London too?'

This heavy, sinking sensation in my body immediately was apparent. 'What no?! Are you sure??' So I asked again, 'body do you like living in London?' And again this contraction in my body spoke volumes. You see, if you were to ask your body anything; would you like to eat this now? Would you like to drink this now? Would you like to have sex with this person? Your body will tell you with a physically relaxing lightness for yes and a contractive, heavy feeling for no. We have used this as a way of ascertaining what we want and what we don't want since we were born, often unconsciously, and not always do we heed the call. We can be real specific with our knowing if we practise reading the subtleties of the messages from our body.

I, the 'being', with my own consciousness, is here for the ride with my body that has it's own distinct consciousness. Whenever we are considering anything pertaining to the physical realm it's our bodies that will be having the experience of it. So for example, when you are booking a seat on a plane, what if you could ask your body which seat it would like to sit in? Our bodies know what they require and they also know what will be going on in the future. A seat you the 'being' may like to have - extra leg room by the window - may not be at all desired by your body. Your body may know that if you book that seat you will be sitting in front of twin babies who will be exercising their lungs a lot on that trip!

What does your body know that you've not been willing to perceive, know and receive?

So, in light of the awareness I had when I asked my body the question, last week I honoured my body and moved out of London and into the countryside of Sussex, in the town of Haywards Heath. My body chose the location too even though we had never visited there before. When I first viewed the property I could sense a real ease and space and my body felt so much more relaxed. Could it be there is a lot less mind chatter to be aware of? (London has a population 8.5 million & Haywards Heath has 35'000(!). Could it be the woodland and trees are what my body desires to be close to? Whatever it is I don't need to figure it out, just follow my knowing that my body knows what nurtures it, way more than I could ever know.

How amazing is that?! To acknowledge that our bodies actually know what is going to contribute to them the most and all we have to do is ask and listen.

What would your body like to be, do or have today?!


Lynsey Beswick has developed an extensive and eclectic array of knowledge and experience for an holistic approach in her private facilitation. Lynsey's initial expertise in acupuncture led to harnessing the energy of 'All That Is' using the ThetaHealing technique and from there more tools and knowledge which built upon the knowing and understanding the potency inherent within ourselves when we tune into our inner being. A pivotal underpinning of the work is in addressing the psychological and emotional components of disease and suffering. Zero point... where it all began and all begins.

22nd Oct 2015

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