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One of the biggest blocks we have...

One thing that people can beat themselves up for, SO much, is this idea that we shouldn't have any problems and if we do we are weak or have failed in some way. The truth is, our 'problems' shape and carve us into discovering who we actually are. The more we choose and desire out of life the more 'problems' can be faced to help us define what we want and show us what is required for us to deal with in order to step up.

Our lives are a possibility for us to know ourselves. Understanding this alone can be a huge relief and assist to taking the next step by knowing there is nothing wrong with us. 

My Approach

I gravitated towards this field of change and transformation from a deep desire to know and understand myself. Everything I have learned and developed I use for myself to create change. I have discovered over the past 16 years of intensive studies and practice within the healing arts, that there is not one tool or modality that can be effective for everyone or anyone all of the time. We are multi-dimensional beings and I use a multi-faceted approach to offer the greatest scope for clearing blocks and catalysing joy and growth.

My Practise & Teaching Experience

In my early career I worked with people within the NHS and local Government including;

  • Adults and children with learning difficulties

  • 'Looked After Children' in state care

  • Young offenders

  • Addiction services for men, women and young people

  • Men and women inpatients in acute mental health wards

  • Men and women in a forensic medium secure unit



Auricular Acupuncture was the first of the healing arts I began studying in 2005, while I was working with young people using, or at risk of using, drugs and alcohol. This ancient tool further opened me to the truth that

there is no separation between the body, emotions and the mind. I went on to set up and run acupuncture clinics within addiction services and mental health services.



In 2008-10 I studied and trained in the USA with Vianna Stibal to become a Certificate Of Science ThetaHealing® Instructor.

This modality provided pivotal breakthroughs for me in my own healing and gave me the tools to facilitate dynamic change for my clients and students. I harnessed great knowledge of remedies, foods and supplements for the body and an awareness of the power belief systems have to shape our reality. I began honing my skills at navigating and changing deep rooted limiting programs.


Voluntary Trauma Work

In 2009 I took an independently funded trip with a fellow Theta Healer, to the Democratic Republic of Congo to work with women and children in refugee camps in Goma close to the border of Rwanda, which has been dealing with civil war and the impact of the genocide. Many of the women had been brutally raped during the horrific atrocities spanning many years.

The group healings brought me to a new level of awareness of what is possible when we tap into Source energy and choose to change and heal. I witnessed over a hundred women choose and receive physical and emotional transformations that were utterly inspiring. Click here for info & pictures.

I am eternally grateful to these women for the tremendous courage and strength they had in moving through deep trauma and for also planting the seed which months later, catalysed a pivotal awareness regarding my own personal history.


Inner Being Awareness

When working with energy we understand that there is no boundary whatsoever therefore there is an unlimited sense of what is possible when it comes to changing energies in the body and mind. Therefore I am continually discovering new ways of deprogramming limitations and shifting energies at the molecular level within the body which I use in my online classes and private sessions with clients. My Inner Being Awareness modality is currently my primary energy tool for shifting out of debilitating emotional and psychological patterns.

Detoxification & Nutrition

In this chemically laden world of misinformation about what is and isn't healthy for our bodies, I find a vital aspect of our transformations into wellbeing and expansion, is the requisite of physical detoxification. Being aware of what our bodies require, which are currently heavily depleted in our food sources, such as minerals and vitamins of which your primary physician will have had little or no training in, is vital to gain optimal health and wellbeing. Recovery from many, if not all, chronic illnesses requires this fundamental awareness of these basic elements which also have their energetic roots in our thoughts, feelings and emotions.

What have I learned?

Through my career I have discovered that an holistic approach and simplicity creates the most thorough and effective change. My experience of recovering from a chronic illness was a pivotal shift for me personally and professionally. Everything I knew and learned during those 5 years gifted me with a deeper knowledge and insight into the complex processes involved in healing. The intensity of that time led to me to seek further understanding of what were my 'mid-life transits' using the art of astrology, which enabled me to gain perspectives on many different levels of what I was experiencing. It is a priceless tool in the journey of self discovery and a wonderful adjunct which I am developing ways of weaving into the work I do with my clients.

A willingness to change and choose to let go of limitations, is required for the 'work' to really begin and build momentum.

When we have that willingness to begin a process, miracles can and do happen.  

And when they do... we are reminded of how much life is worth living.

Check out one of my interviews below and if you would like to receive updates, with info on new online classes, articles and more, you are welcome to subscribe to my mailing list below.

You will also receive my mp3 Cosmic Guided Meditation as a thank you and my gift to you :)

With appreciation,


Lynsey Beswick

Catalyst for Change & Transformation

Expanding Landscapes

Conversations with Lynsey 
In the summer of 2010, during the time I was an instructor of ThetaHealing®, I was introduced to Simon 'On The Sofa' Paul Sutton who was just beginning the first of many interviews of transparent communication with healers, teachers and many more different people who inspire change in the world. 
I had made a self funded trip to the Democratic Republic of Congo in 2009 and I speak a little about it in this interview. Enjoy :)
2 min intro...
Part One: 1hr 13mins 
Part Two: 55 mins 
 Free MP3 Guided Meditation
when you
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