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When we trust our own awareness we can know everything about everything just by asking. 

This includes widespread manipulation.

With the innate capacity we were born with, we can identify the presence & patterns of contraction / unconsciousness, metamorphose it and create more space and expansion. 

Our own lives become enriched and we are empowered to handle anything and enjoy so much more.

  • Awareness & eradication of energies & programming on a range of topics including:

    • Survival fears & threats

    • Saturn Control System

    • Psychoenergetics

    • Behaviour Modification Systems

    • Compliance

    • Propaganda

    • Slavery & Incarceration

    • Prejudices

    • Transhumanism

    • Addictions & much more...

  • Collective injections of consciousness into spaces including:

    • Factory Animal Farming Industry

    • Government buildings

    • Military bases

    • Pharmaceutical Research & Manufacturing

    • Animal Testing Laboratories

  • Frequency expansions & amplifications of desired states

  • Guided expansions & Planetary processes

  • Tools to function beyond the frequency range of this reality 

  • Envisioning a world of possibilities for us & the planet

This series was recorded in June/July 2016 &

facilitated by Lynsey Anne Beswick

Your investment includes:

6 x 75 min Video Calls 


3x 30min brand new

*dynamic remote energetic body process sessions

* To be privately scheduled with Lynsey 

transcend manipulation

Dear Lynsey,


THANKS A GODZILLION for the process last night!!!!!

I felt all the tensions between me and my predecessors and connections melt away and i was basking in their wholehearted love and appreciation for ages!

It was so good I did not want to go to sleep! It was like a 'Celebrate freedom for me and my connections through all time and space ' PARTY!!!

My awareness is that they are all as grateful for the process as I am!

Now I feel I have a HUGE TEAM behind me for anything I chose to do, without any limitations!!


I have been invited several times to go to Ancestor Clearing Workshops, but now i am so glad I did not go, because this clearing trumps them all!


To me the work you are doing is at least equal to that by Dain and Gary! (Founders of Access Consciousness)



You are going to have to do this course for more people!  We all SO need it, especially in America!


Love and infinite gratitude



(July 2016)

"My awareness has sharpened a lot.  My ability to perceive lies and to feel more truth for myself is definitely stronger, which I think is a result of clearing the imprints/implants/whatevers that stop me from seeing them. I've become more and more aware of the "stupidity" out there (not judgmental stupidity but the opposite of consciousness stupidity) and how divide-rule-fight for your point of view-make everyone wrong plays out as such a distraction globally. "


(July 2016)

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