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Inner Being Awareness Private Sessions.p

Your inner being knows everything there is to know about you and loves you unconditionally, no matter what.

Our bodies are translating our feelings and thoughts constantly. Long standing thoughts and feelings can become so innate to our identity that they don’t necessarily stand out to us unless we are forced to pay attention to them through challenging life situations such as; physical disease, tumultuous relationships and the negative self talk we can all too easily take for fact.

Making steps in aligning with your inner being is where all the unraveling of limitations and new awarenesses spring, from You, during your sessions and in the days after. Seeds of awareness are planted to be realised by You for You. How more natural and beautiful can it possibly get?

I am an experienced intuitive who takes an holistic approach and the key area I specialise in, is addressing the vibrational aspects of what it is you are desiring to change, improve or transform. Everything manifested has a starting point as energy; desires, thoughts, feelings and emotions.

I work with the energy of All That Is, otherwise known by many other names including Source Energy, God or Allah, to co-create change with you. The scientist Stephen Hawking referred to this energy as the 'Mind Of God'. The work I facilitate synchronises you with your inner wisdom that has no resistance, no emotional discord, no baggage of stories that justify limitations and is there to guide you to whatever awarenesses are required for you to receive satisfaction and greater ease on ANY given topic. 

My areas of expertise also include physical detoxification, nutrition for the body and practical steps you can take to optimise your health and wellbeing and assist you to  recover from illness.


Energy work is not bound by space or time.

You can connect with me by phone or computer from the comfort of your home. 

mp3 & video recordings of sessions are included in your investment.

One hour individual session - £170

A package option, 4 hours - £555

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