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Client Testimonials

"Lynsey has an innate capacity to tune in to what's occurring on a deep physical, mental and spiritual level. She's caring, authentic and has a natural gift to facilitate. Thank you Lynsey for your wisdom and assistance in creating life-changing shifts."
"My mother in law had a very severe stroke, losing a significant part of her brain capacity and totally losing her speech.  After spending a year in hospital and getting back on her feet again she is finally living back in her own house as she has wanted to do.  She (and we!) have had so many challenges over the last two years, its been a real emotional rollercoaster.  Its been very difficult for many of the professionals to offer Ferris the right kind of services as the speech and neurological issues make it fairly had to engage her.  I was intrigued after talking to Lynsey about the remote way that she works with eliminating various toxins including heavy metals and neurotoxins and delivering acupuncture. Following a number of sessions with Lynsey, Ferris seems much calmer and less tearful and anxious.  Its tricky to get feedback from Ferris but she’s also been physically incredibly healthy. Ferris has been taking magnesium and other supplements recommended by Lynsey which all seem to be contributing to overall good health and wellbeing.  I’m fairly sceptical of things that I don’t really understand but this Energetic Detox has had a significant impact and has affected all of us for the better.  Lynsey had the ability to really understand the issues and working sensitively and with compassion really helped to support and work well with Ferris. I would definitely recommend Lynsey."
- Anna 
"Hi Lynsey,
I believe I'm still having some subtle changes from the treatment on Sunday.
For one thing my anxiety which has been bad since losing my Mom last year has decreased, yesterday and today it's really been "markedly" improved.
Also, I've had insomnia since last year, being unable to sleep at night and then sleeping until 1pm during the day. Today I woke up at 830am and don't feel tired or lethargic.
So your healing system really does work, I'm not sure how you do it, but something has changed for the better. I'm going to continue to monitor these changes. 
You definitely have a gift.
Thank you so much, you've given me hope that I can get well. Bless you"
One week later...
"I'm still almost anxiety free since last weeks' session, truly amazing."
Brian Rock, RN.
"Lynsey's body alignment energetic sessions are amazing. I must admit I was sceptical at first but these relaxing remote  alignments I've been receiving the past 8 months really do affect my body. Most weeks I fall asleep during the sessions but am always aware on a Monday morning that something about my body has changed and I feel energized."
- Karen

"I had an excellent sleep last night. I generally have insomnia; it has been getting better more recently but Sunday was the first I slept through the night soundly as opposed to my usual two hour sleep/wake shifts (which is my improved schedule).
I have been calmer today generally too, and I am doing better at fighting negative (mostly angry) thoughts and having 'loving' thoughts try to counter them.
I still feel very strangely "calm" given real life circumstances at the moment. So many thanks again.

Thank you so much for your energy!!" - Alexi

Re. Telecall...

"Thanks for the call last night. When you announced the title I nearly hung up. When you asked us to think of death and I went back to relive my daughters (suicide) death, I went into panic mode and couldn't even think how to end the call. But I expanded as you instructed us to do and calmed down. Not sure if it was the expansion or the work we did tapping on her death and my part in in that made things different. I lasted the whole call, no tears, nor the pain I used to have. It truly was a revelation to me that I can now hear about death and even contemplate her passing without becoming distressed.
I would not have believed anyone who said I could sit through even a 5 minute call on death, let alone an hour- Amazing and THANK YOU so much for making it possible." K xxx

Re. Remote Acupuncture/Energetics Session

"Many many thanks and heartfelt gratitude for the amazing session.

As the session started I felt cool wave of energy on the forehead and then at the Brow Chakra. The same energy I feel when I am in deep meditative state during my daily meditation.

As the session progressed I felt warmth in my ears and gradually it vanished and after a while I felt very calm and relaxed and eventually fell asleep. 
I had timed my alarm on the phone for 1 hour and when I woke up I felt joyful, calm and very energetic. 
Next morning I woke up and had the same feeling. My meditation was great as well.

Very very powerful session very difficult to describe in words. Thanks a lot." - R

Re. Remote Acupuncture/Energetics Session - 
"Thanks Lynsey!
I'm assuming that was ear acupuncture? I felt hot sensation on tops of both ears, then I fell asleep ha ha. Really fantastic how it's possible to do acupuncture remotely.
Remote acupuncture rocks!" - Dana
Re. Remote Acupuncture/Energetics Session -
"Thank you so much for the distance healing last night Lynsey. I felt a strong peaceful energy, fell asleep. Felt the healing help with my adrenals which have been exhausted for a while! Felt an overall balance, calm and very relaxing after the house move." - S
Re. Remote Acupuncture/Energetics Session -
"The session on wednesday was amazing. I feel asleep immediately and woke up at 11pm when finished. I felt so refreshed and had the best night sleep for a long time. My body just felt so happy and I truly felt a different sensation.
A remarkable experience! How does it get any better than this" - gabriele

Life changing...
" The intensive session with Lynsey was simply a life changing experience, it gave me completely different perspective on the issues I wanted to address and my persistent skin condition improved significantly during one week."  

- ST, October 2015

Rebirth...                                                                                                                                                                                      "I am delighted to recommend you for the amazing work that you do. You helped me resolve some major issues that were potentially blocking my path to success and creating havoc in my life. By the end of the session I felt like a new person, awakened for the first time and feeling at least 7lbs lighter. The feeling of being open and having such space and experiencing, what can best be described as a re-birth, was phenomenal. Your expertise with Access Consciousness methodology and running Bars will, most certainly, be used again and again, by me and my friends. Very transformative and again, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you." 
- Jaki Loudon, Actor & Producer, Nov 2014


"Before working with Lynsey, I was at an incredibly low point in my life and had reached rock bottom, so much so that I was suicidal and no longer wanted to live. Life had become unbearable and lonely; I was incredibly depressed and felt hopeless and helpless about the future. I was overwhelmed and felt unsafe and uncertain about everything as the very foundations that I had built my life on had crumbled. I wasn’t able to pretend that I was happy any more or continue with a façade to please others. I felt as if I didn’t know who I was and what few relationships I had were fragile. Basically, I was in crisis and had lost all hope in any lasting change. Nothing made any sense and I just felt frustrated and lost. 

I have a history of repeated trauma and abuse and felt that the effects of this were inescapable and lifelong. I had had enough of fighting and just surviving. Lynsey was my last hope but I actually had little faith that anything would improve, so was very challenging, cynical and mistrusting of her.

At the point of meeting Lynsey I was an emotional wreck, pleading for help, whilst at the same time demonstrating my lack of trust in her. I must have been incredibly frustrating to work with but Lynsey was professional and needed a lot of patience. I found Lynsey to be accepting of me, even when I couldn’t accept myself.

During our 1 to 1 sessions, I learnt that I had built my fragile self esteem on pleasing others, presenting a façade, in order to try to fit into what I thought others wanted me to be. My biggest lesson was learning how insane this was, rather than believing that I was insane for not fitting. The sessions enabled me to go on a road of discovery, learning who I am. I learnt that I was scared of being successful for fear of rejection from others and also learnt to stop living in the shadow of my mother. I learnt so much.

I believe that as a direct of our sessions, I began to truly discover and then later accept myself, which allowed me to develop real self worth and self esteem, rather than this on being reliant on whether someone liked me. My life is totally transformed and I have since bought a new house, released negative beliefs about myself and have made amazing improvements in my relationships, in terms of feeling strong enough to let go of relationships that are no longer serving me, making and maintaining new more satisfying ones and accepting when relationships come to a natural end, rather than feeling rejected. Previously, at times I had felt utter isolation and desolation

Lynsey also helped me to release a job that was no longer serving me. I now feel free and generally positive about the future and life.

I could actually write pages as I can never do justice to the transformation that I have experienced. I give God thanks as (without meaning to sound cheesy) I believe Lynsey was a God send."

R - July 2013

Deep wounds...

"Theta Healing brought my self development to another level. Thanks to work with Lynsey I've got an access to deep, profound sense of peace and forgiveness never experienced before although my journey towards self discovery have started many years ago and have been supported with different healing modules. 

Through the series of sessions with Lynsey, I have also got present how important is to complete the past, to unfold old wounds and transform them into energy of Love. Especially being myself massage therapist and theta healing practitioner requires from me investing in my own healing if I want to be in service for others. This is the dynamic. There is no other options.We can only create for our client possibility to go to another side of the bridge, if we are willing to take a risk to do it first for ourselves. 

To have a course of sessions instead of just one off makes a huge difference. Work become serious and deep and there is time to transform belief systems in best and most profound way.     

Lynsey’s dedication, professionalism and compassion without being attached, makes a whole process very powerful and possible, even if sometimes wounds are so deep that it takes a courage to acknowledge them."

Beata - Client & Student 2012


Childhood trauma...

"ThetaHealing has brought me to a place where I feel healed, cleansed and energised more than any other form of healing, as it treats me on the physical and psychological levels, on my whole being. Huge areas of trauma in my childhood have been treated and poisons removed on all levels so much so that friends have met me after a series of sessions and have said that there is a glow on my face and a light shining from within. 

The other day, my Ayervedic practitoner 'took my pulse' after these sessions and said there was a 75% improvement in my health. This healing has given me the capacity for joy and has dispelled a lot of darkness in my life."

Amrita, 2012

Breast Cancer...

"I was diagnosed with breast cancer in July 2011. Whilst I had been feeling tired, but also put this down to day to day life and running around, I hadn't been overly concerned. Although I had felt a lump on a holiday a few weeks earlier I didn't panic because it was the breast that had always been a bit dodgy; I had had mastitis in it and the tubes had been blocked. 

I didn't take much information in at the time; within a week of finding out I started chemotherapy and knew I would have 8 cycles of that followed by a mastectomy and 15 sessions of radiotherapy. I knew what I needed to know, nothing more, nothing less. I knew what I had to do, where I needed to be and when. That was it and I was in this wave of doing what I had to do. I don't consciously remember dealing with it, I just dealt with what I had to do regarding treatment. I remember crying quite a bit at first, my emotions were all over the place and I have two children of which I had to tell. And I did this and tackled it head on, there wasn't any other way to dress it up, hide or skirt round the issues. I knew that I had to deal with it and however hard it was going to be, I was going to do this with my kids. Suffice to say they have been amazing through all of my treatment, I am so proud of them. It truly is a life lesson for them and in a positive way. 

I couldn't go on holiday with them, luckily friends took them away as planned and I started treatment. Within this 2 weeks I started to get my head around things and felt content being with myself, understanding and listening to me, what I wanted, needed, what was right for me. 

During these 2 weeks I explored various things, although to this day I still haven't googled anything to do with what I had. I went to a homeopath, started to read books on positive thinking, personal healing and how your mind can affect your body and it's all about your inner self. I changed my diet completely, ate lots more fruit & veg, started juicing, ate fish and chicken and went almost organic in everything, as far as reasonably possible. I didn't have anything processed, all food was a pure as possible.

Lynsey was recommended to me through a colleague at work. I was considering doing some healing but didn't know quite what to do or where to go. After reading through Lynsey's website a few times, I'd asked one of my friends to take a look too. I spoke to Lynsey on the phone and she explained how the sessions would work, how long and we talked about what I wanted to get out of them. I cant remember what I said but I know that I wanted to do anything and everything I could to help me heal, along with medical science. 

I had an inner calm about me, I knew I was healing, the chemotherapy was helping me and was going to do the job that it had to do. I first started to talk to Lynsey after my first or second round of chemotherapy. I have had a number of sessions with Lynsey and we have explored some deep emotional work that relates to when I was a child myself; quite a few barriers that were there to do with my parents and also the emotional turmoil around the break up of my marriage and the effect that relationship had on me for a number of years. I knew and believed that the work I was doing with Lynsey was going to make a difference. I was attacking it from all angles. I was being positive in my mind; don't get me wrong I had some bad days! I changed my diet, adhered to all the treatments and looked after myself and for the first time in my life put me first and no-one else. If I was not right, then nothing else in my life would be right or balanced. 

After 7 rounds of chemothereapy, covering a lot of old emotional ground, baggage and freeing myself from these negative emotions, the scan after my last chemotherapy session showed that there was almost no sign of cancer, just residual disease. Six weeks later I had the mastectomy and my lymph nodes were also removed as they had been tested positive when I was first diagnosed. Upon testing the breast and the lymph nodes after surgery there was no sign of cancer. The pathology lab had to re-test it to make sure. 

You could argue why did I have surgery when it was almost all gone - I could have but I wanted to be sure. I have the result that I wanted. I set a goal for myself, which was to be free from cancer by Christmas - and I was. 

Theta Healing and the work that I did with Lynsey helped wonders in this process. I had a mass that needed chemotherapy treatment to shrink it and it is only more recently that I realise how bad it was. I believed in myself, in my body and all that I was trying to do to support myself through this. 

I continue to work with Lynsey now on other areas of my life that I need support with and truly believe that if you have the right attitude you can achieve and do anything. 

I hope this has been of use in deciding whether you would want to do this treatment. I can only say that if you're here on this website, you believe and are positive because you want to help yourself. If this paragraph can help to make your decision to try Theta Healing then great; I cant recommend it enough and Lynsey is fantastic and you might think how am I going to give this a go, do it!"

Wendy, 2012

Ovarian Cancer...

"I am 52 and of relatively good health. A couple of years ago my menopause started and whilst I coped with the mood swings, hot flushes and sporadic periods the inability to sleep and distracted mind got too much and a year later I decided to seek support form the doctor who prescribed HRT.

I was concerned about the intermittent bleeding I had been having. She prescribed a different kind of HRT but also wanted me to have an internal scan of my womb and ovaries to check for fibroids or perhaps another problem. 

I wasn’t too worried about this and felt it was just routine procedure. Very soon after the internal scan started the radiologist seemed somewhat distracted and concerned. She asked me to get dressed and left me during this time. In about 5 minutes she returned holding an ominous envelope. She advised me that I needed to immediately go to my doctor to get some blood tests done to establish what might be the cause of a shadow she had seen on one of my ovaries. 

Of course I looked in the envelope to read all sorts of medical terms - the description read something like this: opaque lesion on left ovary, ovary obscured. Right ovary in tact, requires blood test CA125 (and a whole load of other numbers). Absolutely shaking I drove home to immediately search on the internet and find out more. I soon learnt that these were blood tests to determine the possibility of cancer. 

In the morning I went to the Doctor and with a grave face she told me that she was referring me to a specialist gynaecologist and oncologist. She explained that further investigations needed to be undertaken to determine why there was a lesion on my ovary. I could tell she was concerned and I said “you think it’s serious?” and she replied “well ovarian cancer can be particularly aggressive”.  By this time I was distressed and in tears. In the sanctuary of my own space I sobbed and sobbed in fear for myself and my 2 daughters one of whose father died when she was just 3 years old and the fear of me dying and her being left alone was unbearable.

Waiting for the results of the blood tests and my first appointment seemed a long way off. A couple of days later I called Lynsey, she is inspirational and has been a great assistance in helping me change negative beliefs and feel more at peace about life events through Theta healing. 

Lynsey saw me and we went through an exploratory process about my fears and what the cancer might mean for me. These included releasing feelings of resentment in relation to my parents and God. I can’t remember all the details of our conversation and the healing session but I do recall Lynsey explaining that cancer need not be feared in the traditional sense and it telling me I need to change something in my life. She asked for the Creator to transform the cancer. I felt calmer after our session and more prepared to take each day slowly with less fear and more positivism.

A few days later I got the results of my blood test back. Good news they levels were normal and not elevated. A few days later I had my first appointment with the specialist gynaecologist at Guys hospital. He gave me an internal, prodded around my womb and looked at the blood results. He explained that it was positive that the blood tests were OK and that the lesion was only on one side and that the blood flow to my womb seemed OK. 

However he was still concerned about the lesion. He explained that as it was opaque it was not a fibroid and could be cancerous but they wouldn’t know without further tests. He therefore wanted another scan undertaken by a specialist at King’s hospital. My heart sank, another wait, another couple of weeks. I wanted definitive answers and there seemed to be none. 

Finally the morning of the next appointment arrived. The consultant gynaecologist was very calm, professional, explained the procedure and began the internal scan. She took a while and I became a little worried because of the time she was taking. She then explained that she couldn’t find anything abnormal on my ovaries or in my womb. She said she didn’t know but was absolutely sure there was no lesion on my ovary. I suppose I thought there might have been a mistake by the first radiologist but also had a feeling that Lynsey might have helped. However she wanted me to return to the gynaecologist at Guys for a final appointment

I felt so relieved and thought back about what Lynsey had said about something needing to change. I knew I needed to let go of lots of past experiences and that not letting go of my past would make my future negatively stuck. 

The next appointment came fairly quickly. He wanted to do another internal examination and to take a further blood test for checks for endometriosis on the womb lining. I was concerned and very tense but had my sister with me who held my hand. 

On examining me he seemed shocked. He said he could see something very strange at the end of my coil. It was a large black lump; he didn’t know what it was and had never seen anything like it before. He said he would have to remove the coil as he was concerned about the lump. I agreed to this and it was a little painful but a few moments later he held up my coil with a globe like black lump a little larger than a marble clinging to the string of my coil. He didn’t know what it was other than collected blood but he looked surprised and a little bewildered as he had not experienced this before.  

I then felt relieved and knew that whatever had been in my body had indeed been transformed by the healing I received from Lynsey and this was what was left and I had now let go of it. Because I was somewhat shaky by this time the doctor decided not to undertake any further tests and was satisfied that no further tests or appointments were needed.

I now was able to telephone Lynsey as I knew it was over. I excitedly told her about the discovered now removed lump and we agreed that this was the debris of the cancer. I can’t tell for certain what happened but I do know it was unusual and I do know that after our healing session I felt better and more hopeful that something would be transformed. 

I believe the large bead like substance on the string of my coil was the transformed matter that wanted to leave my body. I also know that Lynsey is an amazing healer and that she played a huge part in helping me through this experience and healing something that might have grown to serious consequences for my health."

C - 2010


Fear of being attacked...

"I have found Theta to be an insightful and fascinating journey. Lynsey is able to pinpoint beliefs that are hindering us from leading the life we want, and works to uncover and release them, replacing them with healthier beliefs that work with us, not against us. 

I have personally benefited from my sessions with Lynsey, in particular a healing around a mugging I experienced which was instantly healed and I was able to walk home in the dark without further fear of attack"

Susannah (2009)

Being held back in life...

"Lynsey is an amazing healer. She cut to the core of my issue intuitively and easily, and shed a whole new light on what was holding me back in life. Her approach is gentle, but accurate and I don't hesitate in recommending her to anyone who wants to see instant change in their lives. Thanks so much for helping me, Lynsey!"

Gemma (2009)

Manifesting abundance...

"After three sessions I could clearly see how much I had shifted spiritually, right from the inner core out to the external world as the mirror. We were working on my ability to manifest abundance & during that time I landed a job teaching Reiki courses every month for the whole year & a job in Turkey! 

I feel like I have been able to leave behind any poverty consciousness which was giving me a victim mentality. Lynsey is incredibly down to earth & practical, with so much knowledge of the interconnectedness that flows in everything, which makes her a very calming, healing, inspirational, insightful & powerful channel for helping people to shift dramatically out of the dense negativity that may have been holding them back & forward into the reality of their dreams..."

Tiffany (2009)
Psychic healer, reader & teacher in Cornwall & London

Dealing with life traumas...

"Lynsey has exceptional skills as a healer and is able to put people at ease whilst setting good boundaries. She is warm, generous and an excellent communicator always ensuring that she explains processes. Lynsey has helped me personally deal with life traumas and obstacles that were blocking my emotional well being.  Lynsey is intuitive, an excellent listener and is able to focus on pertinent issues and pick up themes so that she can know where best to focus the healing."

F - 2009

Feeling judged by others...

"Last summer I was hardly functioning when I asked for Lynsey’s help. During the session she "manipulated" my brain chemicals, as she was doing it I felt as though something literally was moving inside my head for a short moment.     

She also downloaded new beliefs into me. I also had always thought that people judge me for who I am and don’t take me seriously and it has stopped me getting to know new people. She changed that belief in me and now after 6 months I actually have been talking openly with people and feel comfortable and have made some new friends. It felt like a curtain was being drawn away revealing something new but old at the same time, I could feel my "old self" again!!      

I'm 90% better than last summer. Lynsey has a lovely, calm and compassionate way of healing and I always felt very safe with her. I totally thank the Higher energies and Lynsey for making me feel alive again."

Katja (2008)

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